Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Moving.... Again....

yup yet again this is going someplace else.  Heading off to a platform that just makes it a little easier to post pictures and videos and what not.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Yeah I'm watching...

Tool Academy...

Don't Judge...

... Hell what do I care, Judge all you want I am still gonna watch it!

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Umm am I the only one who is confused by what I just saw on TV...

Canada!?  really?!  inflatable animals!?  Sluts dressed as maple leaves, men dressed as lumberjacks, a random child dressed as a hockey puck?!

as some may know I haven't posted in a VERY long time.  Sorry bout that.  I have actually been working ridiculous hours that coupled with Laziness and a dash of Olympics and you get this hiatus... I am sure you were all very distraught... ha ha ha

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cinnamon roll...


It looked so promising, like a beacon dropped from the heavens from angels above. Well not really but it really seemed like a good idea at the time. I decided that I would have one, just one this once. Now usually I stay away from these carts, not because the coffee is awful, cause it is actually pretty good, or the food is gross, cause most of the time it is really good but more because the little men who run them decide that they love me. The way I decide my choice vendors are they are the less creepy ones. This is the main reason why I try to stay away from the coffee cart. He keeps calling me sweetie and guessing things about me... naturally I lie, as of now I am a girl from Brooklyn that is married but don’t wear my ring cause I am suffering from a skin condition on my fingers. Yeah I know I go pretty far with my lying... it should have been a sign that it was harboring a death star from the pits of hell for me. the words "I'll have a large coffee skim 2 splenda and I think I'll take a coffee roll" the angels in heaven started weeping when he said "sure sweetie coffees on me". I should have known... a free coffee although not out of the ordinary from sweetie pie, it just felt off today.

As I stroll into the office I get myself to my desk and set myself up. I start checking emails and getting my day started. I take a bite of the yummyness, and it is good, REALLY good. But I guess that’s how the devil gets you I guess. After it was all gone it took some time to actually show its true self. After I washed my hands and all of a sudden POW it hits me... an uppercut to the stomach. Holy crap I just got punched in the stomach... wait no I didn’t no is here to punch me. Maybe there was a run by punching from a leprechaun that I didn’t see, yes that must have been it, most plausible explanation. So for the next 45 min I had a little crazy leprechaun perpetually punching my stomach as hard as their little gold digging fist could punch. The nausea hit, uggghhhh and then woes of all woes the single bathrooms are LOCKED... yeah thanks, and thanks to my wonderful company we have had the single restrooms locked away for us to stare at them but never be allowed to use them. I can’t even pee in a public restroom unless it is do or die much less vomit in one.... so I do the unthinkable. I hold it in... I apparently have the talent to hold vomit in. another 45 min and I think I may be recovering... there must have been unicorn tears in that chamomile tea that I drank... and there and then I vow to never eat a succubus cinnamon roll again!

Monday, January 4, 2010

I am a master procrastonator

So I have been off of work since Christmas. I had so much to do and a whole week to do it! Oh the potential of having a whole week, endless possibilities of things to do. Well that would have been fine and dandy if I ACTUALLY DID ANYTHING! For some reason I was able to accomplish pretty much nothing while I was off from work. Lets run down the things I was DEFINITELY going to do shall we?

Re-join the gym specifically NYSC so I would be able to go right after work since there are a million of them in the city and one close to my house here. Well nope never made it over there to sign up. I didn't even call the effing place! I am not sure how I managed to be so lazy about even joining a gym. I actually need to really get back to a gym especially one that is so convenient and wanted to wait till around now so I could get a decent break on the price and or contract and what have you. Also my company has some corporate discount with them... I honestly have no reason not to have done it.

Get new tattoo the little elephant, and the ohm... yeah that meant me having to get off the couch to sit in another chair and obviously that was wayyy to much trouble for me. Well actually no, I want to donate blood first cause I wouldn't be able to for a year after but I mean really how much effort would that have taken!? I find a donation point, effing LIE DOWN for half an hour and you get a friggin cookie and juice after. Reallly how is it possible that I couldn't manage that!?

Get hair done... here's another hard one... I apparently couldn't manage driving to a salon, sitting in a chair and letting someone else do all the work... I mean really?! I couldn't manage that!?

The crazy part of the whole thing is I totally know that I am actually being that lazy when stuff like this happens... I am so lazy I couldn't come up with a new years resolution. I mean this is so ridonkulous. That's it here and now I will make my resolution and it will be to not be so intensely lazy! Hopefully due to my resolution I wont be too lazy to not keep with the resolution of not being lazy... ha ha ha

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Be still my heart

I have fallen in love... no not with a guy... but with Seattle!  It was rainy and even still I think I absolutely love this city!  It has the amenities of a large city but miniature almost.  It is like if you took Manhattan, cleaned it up, and then made it about 1/8th-ish the size.  They have the new center which has the large beautiful buildings as well as the old Seattle that has the old timey architectural buildings.  I think part of the reason I love this place so much besides the fish tossers that did some special throws for me when they heard I was from the east coast, and the cheese shop in the marketplace, is I just had one of the most memorable dishes in a very long time.  I am assuming this comes as no surprise but I am turning into a bit of a foodie.  Not a snobby eww I can’t eat that kind of foodie but an oh my god that looks amazing I need to try it kinda foodie.  I was contemplating between a Creole place I saw in old Seattle and Brooklyn seafood that the bro in law recommended.  Now I think I saw most of the city with constant walking for about 2 hours so I think I was looking more for a steakhousy/seafoody meal so I went to Brooklyn Seafood.  

     One of the best decisions I have made in a long time.  I didn’t want a huge meal so I opted for some appetizers instead prawns, dungeness crab salad (thankfully just the salad with a huge handful of the pulled plain crab on top, and scallops with foie gras.  The waiter was great and tiered my order perfectly.  The salad came and it was great prawns awesome but then the dish that sputtered my heart to life and put the others to shame was the scallop with foie gras.  It had this amazing carrot vanilla puree and these caramelized figs.  Oh my lord my soul melted into a puddle of happy and everything was right with the world.  It was all perfectly cooked and somehow everything went together perfectly.  I was a happy girl, sitting in my seat and perfectly content with everything right at that second!  It was one of those dishes I know I will remember, I think the last time I ate a dish like that, that made my soul happy was the stew fish and rice in Curacao from the little road stand.  I wish I had some more time to enjoy the city a little more but I definitely recommend a visit here.  Now it is off to bed for me cause I have a flight across the country back home tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I have a problem...

... with people who treat physically disabled kids like they are mentally disabled.  Maybe it is just because I abhor it so much that I am attune to seeing it happen.  I was in an airport gift shop when I encountered said ridiculousness, there was a little girl that was deaf.   Now being deaf just means she can't hear, not that she can't compute.  For all we know this is the next Einstein that you are treating like an invalid.  
     Scene: I was in line to buy magnets for the people I work with, and no worries I totally bought one that was a Jackalope for myself!  And there was a little girl in the shop signing furiously to her dad about something or the other a kid would want (at the time I like to thing it was a Jackalope magnet).  You can totally tell that she was all about arguing for what she wanted out of life right that sec, as any child would be while traveling, cause lets be honest the airport is one place that can make you want to buy ridiculous things that you will never need or use.  While we are standing there, you can tell the dad is getting aggravated as any parent would with a child who is asking for something ridiculous such as a 4 foot tall teddy bear.  I get to talking with the guy as his daughter is now arguing with the mom hoping her cause will be heard.  I am asking general questions as I would anyone else I tend to envelop in conversation.  
     As we are standing there talking about how they are traveling to his brothers house for Christmas some idiot lady starts talking to the mom.  All seems innocent right... yeah no, the dummy leans down and starts talking to the little girl, fine no big deal, umm mind you this girl is 7 going on 8, as she told me later and it is obvious she is of an age in which she attends school, and this lady starts asking in a loud condescending voice... "doooo... youuuu... goooo... toooooo.. schooooool?!  Yooooou... knooooow... thaaaaat... bulllildinnnng... where... yooooou... learnnnnnn.. thinnnnnnngs?!?!".  Umm hey bitch this kid knows what an effing school is.  To top it off I find out later the girl is in the advanced class at school but doesn’t want to skip grades just yet as she likes being with her friends (good for her!).  It also turns out that she can read lips just fine, and really is quick as a whip.  Unfortunately people like the dummy in the gift shop happen ALL the time, I find out after some translating through the parents.  I also find out her name is Holly, she loves bunnies, ponies and the color green (just like me!) is trying to convince her parents she needs a kitten cause her fish need friends and hopes to be a vet when she grows up, well that is if being a princess doesn’t work out for her :) She is not a fan of long flights and cant wait to see her uncles dog and all other types of fun things a chlid can talk about.  Honestly talking to this little girl was prob the best conversation I had up to that point of my trip, and has also solidified my want to learn signing!